Itinerary 14 - Sorrento - Monticchio

Departure point

Sorrento (Piazza Veniero)

Arrival point

Monticchio (Piazza San Pietro)




Waymarks Green waymarks and tiles

Total distance

5100 m


+ 310 - 57 m

Min altitude

53 m

Max altitude

355 m

Shared departure points

Parts in common with itinerary


A new itinerary that will bring you directly to the centre of the Lubrense area between Massa and Sant’Agata and between Sorrento and Termini at an altitude of 306 metres.

The first part is the same as itinerary 15 (and at the beginning also 13 and 23).

Set off from Piazza Veniero and, having crossed the square, go down a few wide steps to the entrance of the Chiesa dell’Annunziata. Continue along Via Fuoro, then straight on across the road past the entrance to the Ulysses car park along Via Trav. Capo. At the end of the lane, you will find some steps coming out onto the busy main road Via Capo. Here turn right and after about 50 metres cross the road using the pedestrian crossing before following Via Capodimonte where the climb starts. Just before the second hairpin bend, take the shortcut up some steps and turn round to admire the view of the Bay of Naples with Marina Grande below. Continue going uphill, taking note of the shortcuts up steps. After a steep, virtually straight stretch of about 200 metres, keep on ahead (to the right of the shrine) until you come to the main road which you have to cross in order to enter Via Priora opposite. Be very careful crossing this road which is on a bend, choosing a point where you can see the traffic coming from both directions).

Proceed along Via Priora until you come to an intersection where to the left you can join itineraries 14 and 15. Once back on the main road, cross and continue along the paved road opposite which will take you under an arch to the church of Sant'Atanasio di Priora. Cross the road and pass in front of the cross, following the lane. At the bend you will see the remains of an old washhouse on the right and then views of the Bay of Naples to the left. At the end of the lane, some steps take you back up to the main road (Via Nastro Verde). Turn left, cross the road, and go up the lane by the bus stop (just a bit further on from Hotel Il Nido).  

After about 200 metres take the short, steep road to the right (over 25% gradient). Once at the top, turn right onto a very pleasant dirt track, almost all on a level, which will take you through some chestnut woods. At the end turn right down the steep Via Deserto for around 50 metres before turning left into Via Colli di Acquara. This narrow, panoramic lane (650 metres) comes to a small square in front of the church San Vito ad Acquara. A little further on, down on the right off the road, you will find an ancient wash house. Go back to the road and continue for about 400 metres. After a bend going left, take Traversa San Nicola to your right. Pay attention to the waymark and tile at the intersection. After about 300 metres leave the lane and go down the steps on the left, crossing the bridge and, once on the main road, turn right. After 50 metres take Via San Sossio to the right. At the first intersection go down the steps to the right onto the main road Via Severo Caputo. Turn left and keep on walking for 300 metres until you come to Piazza San Pietro and the church of Monticchio.

How to get to the starting point

From the port: Proceed uphill along via Luigi De Maio. After 400 metres you will come to a hairpin bend with steps opposite taking you directly to Piazza Tasso. You can also take the shuttle bus to the centre if you prefer. Once in the square, cross over and go right down the pedestrian precinct of Corso Italia. After about 600 metres, you will come to Piazza Veniero.

From Sorrento station: Go down the steps of Piazza De Curtis and straight down to Corso Italia. Turn left along the Corso and after 400 metres cross straight over Piazza Tasso continuing along the pedestrian precinct of Corso Italia. After about 600 metres, you will come to Piazza Veniero.

Coordinate gps Google Maps

GPS coordinates

Departure point

40.626275, 14.375847

Arrival point

40.601306, 14.357211

Painted signs


Description of the itinerary


piazza Veniero


via Fuoro


trav. Capo


via Capo


via Capodimonte


trav. Capodimonte


via Priora


trav. Priora


Nastro Verde


via Acquacarbone


via Lamia


via Deserto


via Colli Acquara


via San Vito


via San Nicola


trav. San Nicola


trav. Titigliano


rot. Turro Pastena


via San Sossio


via Severo Caputo


piazza San Pietro

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